Friday, December 18, 2009

Should we stay in Iraq permanently to assure our oil supply even if Iran increases its assist to?

Iraqi insurgents with Russki financing?Should we stay in Iraq permanently to assure our oil supply even if Iran increases its assist to?
so we are in Iraq because of oil? our administration has always denied that one.

we would be far better off bringing our troops home and investing every dollar not spent on the war on alternative fuels or spend the bucks on battery development and

spend the bucks on developing and making cost effective solar, wind, geothermal and nuclear electric production

increase electric production and develop better batteries and we wont need oil.Should we stay in Iraq permanently to assure our oil supply even if Iran increases its assist to?
i think saudi arabia has more oil,lets declare war on them.
the money we have spent in iraq, we could have bought the entire middle east output of oil for a decade. we could water our lawns with oil.

if iraq is your answer to oil you dont know basic economics.
I don't want my tax dollars paying for a permanent stay in an unstable region. We already have enough enemies; i don't want it to get any worse.
Leave iraq...We have our own sources of oil...Those damn enviromentalist won,t let us get it!!!It,s like building a new prison...We need it, but not in my front yard!!!!
The problem is that you are now too deep into it to get back out easy.

In fact, you are almost ready for the next step towards expanding the war.

Iran might be tempting but Syria is more likely
According to a UNH study鈥?/a>

the US could produce all of its transportation energy needs on 15000 square miles of algae ponds for an investment of $400 billion. This is less than the cost of the Iraq war. Incidentally, achieving energy independence would also win the war on terror because the Islamofascists would lose their source of funding.
iraq can be nuked for all i care
Oil? What oil? Show me the oil we are supposedly getting. Show me the oil that has lowered gas prices.
Nuke their a s s take the Gas
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