Saturday, December 26, 2009

How can there really be an energy crisis when there is enough oil in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to supply us for yrs?

There is enough to supply the United States for approx two hundred years. Why did the U.S. Gov. cap it off and then hush the oil companies about capping it?

Watch this. I challenge you to disprove the testimony he gives in this video. Its the top video entitled ';The Energy Non-Crisis';. can there really be an energy crisis when there is enough oil in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to supply us for yrs?
Add to that, In North Dakota alone there is more oil than Iran and Saudi alone. They do not want us to have cheap energy, they want a windmill in every yard. IDIOTSHow can there really be an energy crisis when there is enough oil in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to supply us for yrs?
There is not enough oil in Prudhoe Bay to supply our needs for 200 years. Even if there were, it would take time to get at it and refine it. But it is a moot point, since it isn't there.
Palin will shoot at anyone who gets close to that bay from a helicopter. Good luck trying to get that oil away from that beast.
there's this little thing called


which the gop think is a lib trick........

ha hha ha hahhahahhahahha

i hope mother earth punishes the gop
Democrat congress and tree sniffers won't allow it no matter how much is there.
not true

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