Tuesday, December 22, 2009

This is a question about the world's oil supply, how long can the world last with the oil we have right now?

Ok so there's oil everywhere, but does anyone have an estimate on how long the world can go with using the oil that we have right now?! How long can we survive using the world's oil suppy if we knew how much oil we had right now on this earth?!This is a question about the world's oil supply, how long can the world last with the oil we have right now?
Given that there are vast supplies of tar sands and oil products can be produced (at a price) from coal and natural gas the supplies are not going to run out soon.This is a question about the world's oil supply, how long can the world last with the oil we have right now?
Thanks. Forgot to mention oil shales and also biofuels which we should of course be using more of for environmental reasons. Report Abuse

It a very closely kept secret, but I will guess about 50-70 years
about a 100 years. That's from the known and the estimated reserves, unexplored fields.

But in recent it has come down to about 70-80 years , because the consumption habits of humans has increased faster then predicted ( no body was expecting asian countries to industrialize so fast and consume so much oil)
You can read a good deal here; http://www.eia.doe.gov/pub/oil_gas/petro鈥?/a>
50 years with more conservative estimates, 100 years with the wildest, finding oil in places we never dreamed of estimates.

Problem is, we have extraordinary rates of consumption- the US consumes 84 million barrels a day, only 24 million of which come from our own reserves. And our US oil reserves have been in decline since the 70s-they are going to be drained a lot sooner than the world reserves in general. So, basically, not switching to other fuel sources is not a realistic option.

So bring on the windmills!
  • ie hacks
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