Saturday, December 26, 2009

Why do free market friendly Republicans think that the Oil Companies want to increase supply?

A free market system means that we can buy off Congress and charge what we want for utilities. Why are Republicans complaining about prices? People are making a profit from it? Reaganomics tells us that this profit will trickle down to us any minute.Why do free market friendly Republicans think that the Oil Companies want to increase supply?
I'm starting to feel something as soon as I read the words trickle down. Is it supposed to be wet?Why do free market friendly Republicans think that the Oil Companies want to increase supply?
Any increase in production will go on the international market and be bought up by China at the price it is at now.

It will only do a slight bit of good to produce more oil without correcting the way oil companies sell it.

The Chinese government subsidizes gas prices because they are basing their entire future on the ';Eisenhower model'; of the U.S. in the 50's.

Their demand will keep up with availability. If more oil on the market brings the price down, they will buy more and bring it back up.

The Republicans cannot be stupid enough not to see it.

My guess is that the oil companies and the speculators are QUITE aware of the fact.

They also know that the Republican drones will follow the talking points without question, and most certainly not put the effort into figuring it out for themselves.

It is just another example of the neocons using a national crisis to profiteer by conning their uninquisitive and hypnotized mob of addle-minded puppets.
You don't know anything do you?

a free market means competition. If the oil companies won't drill for oil at 130 Plus dollars a barrel then other companies will go into the oil business because the profit margin for selling oil would be to tempting.

We complain about the price because the government is blocking companies from drilling for oil--in areas that are more profitable for them--and US. It can't trickle down if the governement (DEMOCRATS) limit how much gets out.
If only you knew what a free market system was. If oil companies had more to sell, then in theory they would have more earnings. It's that simple, even if they drop below 8陆% profit, they can earn more in total. IF you had the insite to be a stock holder, you definitely would benefit from the ';trickle down effect';.
oil companies have no desire to increase the supply of oil. If they do, it will cost them money and decrease their profits. They have zero incentive to do anything right now.

trickle down only means that the lower you are in the wealth pyramid, the more you get pi**ed on........
This talk about increasing supply is just a sop to the captive consumers to try to quiet them down a little. The oil companies are doing just fine as things are.
Oil Companies want to increase supply?

For the same reason Sam Walton would want to...You can make a lot of money more money by selling a LOT more

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