Friday, December 18, 2009

Global Oil Supply ideas for a paper?

I am writing a paper on Global Oil supply. I am wondering what things i could put into it. It is a 5 page research paper so i just would like to find as much info on this topic as possible. I was thinkiing about talking about gas prices. Is there any other ideas or suggestions?Global Oil Supply ideas for a paper?
In 1975 america realized had almost pumped itself dry. Or the oil conglomerates forsaw a worldwide dependancy and thought to ';create '; an imaginary crisis in which the value of oil would skyrocket. To maximize profits the oil companies traded crude in a commodities market where middle men or ';speculators'; can artificially inflate the prices based on a plethera of factors. Some exaples are production, ease of transport, weather, politics, you name theyve found every excuse in the book to increase the price. A bomb goes off in a market. oil goes up. Hurricane comes oil goes up. Brtittney Spears cuts her hair off the price goes up. The arabs claim there is enough oil to last a thousand years. They sit back and get rich watching the americans speculators screw their own people. If the americans want to charge rediculous prices why argue? They'll take the money. Why not? Since the usa found oil in alaska you've been semi ok. Not for long. Unfortunately alot of the oil is below land protected by the department of natural resources. george bush's company unical is doing every thing it can to get at that oil. They dont care about nature. They only care for profits.The demand from your country is enormous. Your geoligists have scoured the earth and found every oil deposit everywhere. Some of these places are remote. Far from the usa media exposeure.The usa does nothing short of killing the neighbouring peoples to get at the oil. They ripoff every country that finds oil. The usa refines 90% of the worlds oil. In so doing they charge the foriegn countries spillage and processing fees and shipping so that the country getting the oil refined loses 45% of their bulk to the refinery. Now with China's economy emerging as well as india there are two more huge straws in the worlds oil well. The chineese economy is growing at 15% a year. If she could get more oil she'd grow at 25%, the usa is diplomatically seeing they dont. Taking this all into consideration the usa army saw a threat to the american way of life. They could not let the usa economy be at the mercy of oil rich arabs that hate the usa. So they needed to get their hands on a huge supply of oil. Iraq was the target. They needed to be provoked so they cooked a plot and on 9/11 they carried it out. they invaded afghanastan for strategic reasons then invaded iraq and has been stealing their oil every minute of every day as fast as they can before they caught with their hands in the cookie jar. They killed 1 million iarqi so that the american people can drive their hummers as fast as they like.Global Oil Supply ideas for a paper?
here's a great one - write a paper on the fact that no one knows why oil is found underground but yet we consume it as if its only purpose is to fill our SUVs. Perhaps there's a correlation between removing the oil and the amount of earthquakes we experience (globally).

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