nope. you'd think we would help kenya, or rwanda, or darfur...
noooooooope. bush is a ';decider.'; and he decidered on iraqIs Bush planning on attacking any ruthless dictators who are NOT in control of a massive supply of oil?
Nope; doesn't look like it.
I agree with Itchy. And this also drives oil prices up!!!!!!!!!!!
Then why isn't Cuba invaded?
Yeah, I can see how we are all benefiting from all that extra oil that we're now in control of. Duh!
You're too stupid to participate in grown-up topics.
Why would he bother?
That may have Been the Motivation. However, the Question is '; Where IS the OIL?'; I certainly am Not Paying Less at the Pump, are You? There is much More than just OIL involved in the whole ';Iraq'; thing. Wake up my friend and Fellow Citizen! Did not Saddam DIS George ( the Daddy) Bush. W. sure wanted his pound of Flesh---- and Got It!! My opinion on that whole situation is Far Broader than OIL. # 1= Get Out of there( this is NOT a WAR! it is a POLICE ACTION). Who died and left the USA to Police the World? Sure sounded to me more Like a Personal thing to me. #2= Does the Situation that we are in RIGHT NOW seem a LOT like '; Vietnam';?That was not a WAR Either. It was about Rubber and a Police Action.#3= There is Nothing ';HOLY'; about this. I have Muslim Friends, Bhuddist Friends, Jew Friends, Hindu Friends, Catholic Friends, Baptist Friends, add infinitum......!Freedom of Religion and the SEPARATION of Church and State are Constututional Issues that were addressed by the Founders of this Country. #4= When are we( The Citizens and as a Country) going to start Abiding by the Constitution of the United States of America and for Which it Stands!!! One Nation,Under God, with Liberty and Justice for ALL? If you Do Not Like the way things are being Run Here= SPEAK UP! Do your Duty as a Citizen and VOTE. If you did Not VOTE then YOU have Allowed ';the Few to Decide for the MANY'; and have nothing to complain about. VOTE Against what you Don't Like!!! Write letters, call, or in Some Way Let you Representatives, Congressmen,( Both State AND Federal) Know that you will VOTE AGAINST THEM if things do not Change. What I am saying, to Put it Simple, DO SOMETHING other than just Complain about it. Start a Movement, get involved in Peaceful Protests,talk to the Media, and by ALL Means VOTE. If that Does not work, take Poly-Sci and Run for Office on a Platform of your Own. This is How things are CHANGED. Legally, non- violently, and with the Best interest for the People of the USA. A Government that is OF the People, FOR the People, By the People......
Actually, it's his job to insure that we maintain a free flowing supply of oil at market prices. The country would immediately fall apart if we didn't have it, no matter what kind of fuzzy thinking some of the skateboard crowd engages in.
Of course not. The country to be invaded has to have something worthwhile such as oil. It is only in very rare exceptions that a country with nothing is invaded but it does happen. Afghanistan was one but Al Queda was headquartered there and launched an attack on US soil.
If you have not noticed, Bush and his predecessors are in the business of protecting Fascist dictators: UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Nigeria.
Those massive supplies of oil are easily converted to cash. Cash is easily converted to weapons. Weapons are easily converted to war.
We don't invade Cuba because of the agreement reached with the former USSR following the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Why bother not like any of you would support the troops if we did and besides OIL makes this country go. Our economy is based on OIL so why bother attacking other dictators around the world. Stupid question from a moron who knows nothing about how the world workd but has an ideology passed on from his teachers.
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