Thursday, January 7, 2010

OPEC oil supply information?

what is their history?

how do they operate?

what kinda of things make the prices ar the pump fluctuate?OPEC oil supply information?
I searched on the Yahoo engine. You could get seriously buried in the information.

The link below is an example.

If I understand it you want 1) What is Opecs' history? 2) How does Opec operate? 3) What kinds of things make the prices at the gas/diesel pump fluctuate? The others should generate some good hits. Number 3 might be shortened to: what effects the prices at the gas pump? It will probably provide a good answer.

The economic theory of supply and demand, with a long chain from the oil well to the refiner to the pump is where #3 will come out. Number 2 is an example of an attempt to control prices using Oligarchy techniques.

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